Thursday, October 22, 2009

Forgeworld Report: I Am Returned!


So it's been a while, but I'm back on track. A flurry of recent sucessful bidding wars has lef me with ownership of 4 Crisis battlesuits, 4 Devilfish APCs a unit of Kroot Mercenaries and 4 Firewarrior squads. Woot.

I picked up a couple of wall-mountable bitz bins from the Home Depot, that have a dozen and a half small compartments and half a dozen large compartments each. Now I just need a lable maker to designate which compartments hold what.

I also picked up the fixin's for a sweet wargaming tabletop that will socket in over my dining table. It'll have sides (to bounce dice of of and to keep your models on the table) and a record keeping area that'll double as a place to store casualties. I got the idea from the Drunk Dwarves.
They have a completely fantastic how-to setup for crafting a transportable wargaming table over on their site.

I'll try to get some pics up for the table and the models, once I get to painting and modeling (life intrudes, y'know). So much to do, so little time.